The Land Between Two Waters
The Town of Ticonderoga is located at the confluence of Lake George and Lake Champlain in the southeastern corner of Essex County, New York. Ticonderoga is entirely located within the Adirondack Park and nearly one-third of its land area is part of the State Forest Preserve.
A year-round community of approximately 4,789 (2020 Census) residents with summer residents increasing the population substantially during the summer and fall months, Ticonderoga is a destination for tourists who love the lakes, mountains, historic landmarks, and a rich education in 18th century history. Ticonderoga’s significant military role in our nation’s early history remains a vital component of the community, with the Fort Ticonderoga historic landmark drawing around 100,000 visitors annually.
Town Board Meetings
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United States: +1 (872) 240-3412
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Access Code: 284-387-293
Guidelines for Public Comment
Please read and understand the the following linked guidelines which apply should a public comment period be included during a Town Board meeting.
2022 State of the Town
2023 State of the Town
2024 State of the Town
2025 State of the Town (TBA)
Ticonderoga RECEIVES the NYS Downtown Revitalization Initiative
Let’s Shape Our Community’s Future

The York State Secretary of State announced on January 23, 2023 that Ticonderoga received the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) for the North Country Region. This provides $10 million dollars to our community to specifically address our downtown corridor. DRI is meant to aid communities in their efforts to create vibrant centers for community members and visitors alike. This is an amazing and historic opportunity for Ticonderoga and our surrounding communities to significantly boost our current efforts to reduce decades of economic decline. The Town of Ticonderoga is very thankful to Governor Hochul and New York State for this life-changing opportunity and looks forward to working with the State on this epic journey to revitalization.
Review the application that Ticonderoga submitted. Please check the official Ticonderoga DRI website for official information, news, public participation opportunities, and more. Thank you for your support and dedication to your community. Continued great opportunities present themselves and we will be successful working together. Visit www.TICONDEROGADRI.COM.
Ticonderoga Micro Enterprise (TiME) Grant Program
The Ticonderoga Microenterprise Grant Program funded by the Town of Town Ticonderoga via Essex County Occupancy Tax Funds was developed in 2023. This program is a partnership between the Town, the Essex County Industrial Development Agency (ECIDA), and the Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce (TACC) and uses occupancy tax monies to fund qualifying businesses which serve the tourism industry in some capacity in the Town of Ticonderoga. By law, these monies must be used to support tourism. The grant distributed $50,000 to six (6) applicants in 2023 who conduct tourism related business. Potential applicants must attend specific training before receiving an application for the program and, if selected, provide a 10% match. A separate review committee reviews applicant proposals and provides recommendations for eligible applicants and their program. The next round for this program has not been announced.
See the Press Release and Grant Program Information.
This program is eligible to those with failing or likely to fail septic systems and who lie within 250 feet of Lake George. The grant is 50% reimbursable up to $10,000. This is on a first come, first serve, limited basis. Information links and application below.
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Important Notices
The Town of Ticonderoga would like to update you with Community News and any Emergency Alerts in our area. By opting into the Town of Ticonderoga’s notification system provided by Everbridge you will receive up-to-date information as necessary. This system will allow you to receive important information quickly and efficiently across multiple devices, including your home phone, mobile device, email, and more. For this system to be a success, we will need your contact information. Click on Everbridge Icon to enroll.
* The Town of Ticonderoga will never sell or share your personal information with a third party organization.