Hancock House
The Hancock House is home to the Lower Adirondack Regional Center for History (LARCH, formerly the Ticonderoga Historical Society). The structure is a replica of the Hancock Manor on Boston’s Beacon Hill that was the residence of Thomas Hancock, the uncle of John Hancock. The Hancock House was built by philanthropist Horace A. Moses for the New York State Historical Association as a repository for “American Traditions in History and the Fine Arts.
LARCH preserves and interprets history through collections, exhibits, programs and community outreach. It also houses genealogical and local history, from census information to obituaries to complete newspapers. With a focus on the historical, scientific and social aspects of the Adirondack Mountains, Lake Champlain and Lake George regions, LARCH showcases the contributions of the region through the history of New York and the United States while preserving and promoting unique cultural history.