Ticonderoga Ice Rink
The Ticonderoga Ice Rink is located at 107 Burgoyne road on the corner of Tower Avenue and Burgoyne Road. The rink is free and open to the public with no set hours as long as there is usable ice. Notifications will be made via social media and/or on site posting when the rink is closed for maintenance or when closed for the season. Parking is available in a small lot off of Tower Avenue and Burgoyne Road or in the public parking lot behind the Elks building. Rink Attendant ONLY parking is to the left of the equipment shed. If parking along Burgoyne Road, please park within the law and do not create a safety issue for vehicular traffic along this road. Nighttime lighting is provided within certain hours.
Ice is maintained through the use of a chiller-based system which allows usable ice up to temperatures of 50 degrees. This ensures ice availability for several months during the season. Skates are available for use free of charge when the rink attendant is on site and the equipment shed is open. There are over 40 pairs of skates in various sizes on a first-come, first-serve basis. Most are children’s sizes rather than adult.
The history of the local ice rink harkens back many years to when the town maintained a skating rink at the old EMBA field which is now the location of the town’s water/wastewater treatment facility and the field on Schuyler Street both of which have fond memories for local residents.
Please be respectful of all guests and no group is allowed to monopolize the rink at any time unless prior arrangements are made through the Ticonderoga Town Clerk.

Burgoyne Road rink.

Schuyler Street ice rink.