Transfer Station
336 Vineyard Road
Phone: 518-585-7501
Tuesday – Saturday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM (excluding holidays)
PLEASE NOTE: The Transfer Station is closed on Tuesdays when preceded by a Monday holiday.
PLEASE NOTE: The C & D/Recycling hours are Tuesday – Saturday 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM.

Special Instructions
Refuse should be brought in clear bags. Refuse items are weighed and paid for by the pound with a transfer station punch card. Furniture and mattresses acceptable, too.
Punch cards are sold in denominations of $6, $15, or $30 and are available for purchase at the Town Clerk’s Office by check or cash. Additionally, punch cards can be purchased by check only at the transfer station.
The transfer station also provides free disposal of recyclable items. These include #1 and #2 plastic containers, glass, cans, junk mail, shredded paper, magazines, newspapers, paperboard, cardboard, and scrap metal.
PLEASE NOTE: Electronics are currently not accepted as per NY State Department of Environmental Conservation mandate.
Landfill Fee Schedule
Please pay with check or Landfill Punch Card at the site
$6 Ticket Items
clothes washers
clothes dryers
hot water heaters
trash compactors
cooking stoves
refrigerators (w/o freon)
air conditioners (w/o freon)
$21 Ticket Items
refrigerators (w/ freon)
air conditioners (w/ freon)
C & D materials: $24 per 1/2 cu. yd.
Shingles: $30 per 1/2 cu. yd
$ 3: less than 15″ diameter
$ 6: between 16″-19″ diameter
$12: between 20″-24″ diameter
$6: local residents
$12: non-residents
$21: dump truck size loads
Items with No Charge
scrap metal, nails, screws, bikes, grills